


By |2018-07-12T11:54:52+03:00June 7th, 2017|Blogs|

Mountain Gorillas are a unique wildlife species whose existence was at the verge of extinction only to be saved by combined Conservation efforts by Uganda and other Gorilla Enthusiasts. According to the 2010 Mountain Gorilla Census, the world’s population stands at 880 with 400 found in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and 480 in Virunga Massif

Civil Aviation Authority, a Success Catalyst for Uganda’s Tourism sector

By |2018-07-12T11:56:31+03:00June 7th, 2017|Blogs|

Tourism has graduated into Uganda’s hot cake over the recent years. And thus it’s credible for us to recommend that Civil Aviation Authority should avail a helping hand to the ministry of Tourism Wildlife and Antiquities and other associate bodies. Tourism stands an established pillar that feeds the sumptuous demands-acclaims, from the divergent sectors of

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